Hitting the mark.

Learning how to make your aim true is often about relearning the fundamentals. Great athletes and snipers must maintain the fundamentals. And so must every person that strives for excellence in any endeavor. I’ve reignited my mission to craft Out of Oblivion into a great book by re-reading the most inspiring book I’ve ever read on the craft of novel writing, Story Engineering by Larry Brooks. This is the book, of all the books I’ve read on story craft, that catapulted Blood & Soul out of my imagination onto the pages of Amazon.comRead more

I ask for tough questions on my Facebook. I said I would answer them by doing Facebook LIVE from my Author’s Page. The first question was:

“What is your take on so many old movies being remade? Is it because Hollywood can’t come up with anything new on their own?”

My YouTube answer is here:

Otherwise, keep reading.

I don’t mind remakes of old Si-Fi or Fantasy movies. Because back in the day their reach exceeded their grasp.… Read more

In Africa he is a strange site. Because of my beliefs, I feel the same among creative types.

Since the inception of my website, 2 and half years ago, I’ve kept something about me in the dark.

Alas, it caused writer’s block, preventing me from consistently creating content and clearing the production line. I’ve discussed with friends whether or not I should disclose my secret. Should I reveal the truth and risk rejection or remain stifled? To be or not to be, me.

Of course, I started this site to promote the Creed of Kings Saga, Blood & Soul, and future writings or creative endeavors.… Read more