Over the last 3-plus years, I’ve read around 175 books too fast because I was fascinated with the topics. The same goes for YouTube channels on those subjects. Also many in-depth documentaries amateur and pro.

I have come to believe that Satanic forces are at the heart of all this evil tyrannical bull shit we’re seeing worldwide. We’re being punked on an incalculable level to the point of our finite minds being overwhelmed. I believe/hope the veil will be torn away sooner than later, a defining/redefining moment when we see how punked we’ve been.… Read more

  • “Reading is good” Nope …depends on what you’re reading.
  • “Goals are good” Nope …depends on what your goals are
  • “Education is good” Nope …depends on what you’re being taught.
  • “Being yourself is good” Nope …depends on who you are
  • “Voting is good” Nope …depends on who you’re voting for
  • “Thinking is good” Nope …depends on what you’re thinking!

See a pattern here? We value action but not purpose.

“Just Do it” Really? Just do what? Pick my nose and flick the booger on your windshield?… Read more