I thought I would miss Facebook. Not only did I deactivate Facebook, I canceled all notifications from my expansive social network. It’s been wonderful. I was a social network addict. I encourage everyone to take, at least, a break from it.

Even though I’ve not totally capitalized on the freedom it’s made a huge difference in my ability to focus on the main task at hand and all other tasks of life. It’s such a relief not hearing constant “dings” on my computer and phone.… Read more

Hitting the mark.

Learning how to make your aim true is often about relearning the fundamentals. Great athletes and snipers must maintain the fundamentals. And so must every person that strives for excellence in any endeavor. I’ve reignited my mission to craft Out of Oblivion into a great book by re-reading the most inspiring book I’ve ever read on the craft of novel writing, Story Engineering by Larry Brooks. This is the book, of all the books I’ve read on story craft, that catapulted Blood & Soul out of my imagination onto the pages of Amazon.comRead more

I ask for tough questions on my Facebook. I said I would answer them by doing Facebook LIVE from my Author’s Page. The first question was:

“What is your take on so many old movies being remade? Is it because Hollywood can’t come up with anything new on their own?”

My YouTube answer is here:

Otherwise, keep reading.

I don’t mind remakes of old Si-Fi or Fantasy movies. Because back in the day their reach exceeded their grasp.… Read more

A lot of readers have asked about the pronunciation of names in my book. Because the book is other-worldly I chose to make up names. 99% of fantasy fiction writers do this as well. I worked to make them easy to say. Below is a guide to pronouncing the words. Not a fancy dictionary type guide, but some helpful suggestions on how to sound them out and a micro bio.


Athorigan – Uh-thor-egun
*King of the Midvast
Ledarrin – Led-Arron
*The king’s bastard son.… Read more

I’m confident Blood & Soul deserved to be there, but I was honestly shocked to see it do so well with meager promotion on Friday. I’m not just talking. Here’s the screenshot to prove it.


Here’s a review from my editor:

This truly epic fantasy begins with action and never lets up. From humble, unassuming human emotions through world-changing, apocalyptic struggles, the heroes in this novel take a licking and keep on ticking. This story is a roller-coaster of strife and solutions, with insurmountable odds being toppled by perseverance and ingenuity.Read more

Today is the day! Buy Blood & Soul for $0.99. Thank you! If you wanna know more…keep reading.

Last night, blurry-eyed and exhausted, I uploaded the final edits to the First Edition of Blood & Soul on Kindle Direct Publishing for e-readers and CreateSpace for print readers. Blood & Soul has been in a preparation mode since I uploaded it about a month ago, without counting the 7-year, million-word brainstorm.

As a writer I’m at a loss for words and deeply moved by all the sacrifices good friends and colleagues have made to go the extra 100 miles in the last moments.… Read more

What motivated you to become an author?

That’s a great question. Simply put, I love this. My motivation stems from a deep desire to create a story that will give you impactful feelings, blow your mind, worry you, melt your heart, and make you braver – in diverse ways. You know? Like when I was kid sitting on the front row at the theater watching those words trailing away into space and that Star Destroyer comes flying over my head.

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The Hero’s Journey is not built well on stereotypes. It excels on archetypes. Below I have listed the sequence of the hero’s transformation. These are recognized patterns in great stories. It is seen in indiana-joneseverything from High Noon to Star Wars to Lord of the Rings.

  1. Discover the hero in his ordinary world, but hinting at the seeds of change.
  2. Call to adventure. The hero must do something. He has to undertake a challenge.
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A few writers are gifted like Stephen King. They seem to have the instincts from the get-go, like a person born gifted with seemingly embedded musical talent. So when gifted people like that say there are no rules to story telling, it seems valid to them and the folks seeking wisdom on how to be as good as King go looking for inspiration rather than perspiration. When King sits down and just writes, it’s not, of course, me just sitting down to write.… Read more

Blood & Soul – Will it be on audio? A couple of people have asked about this. The short answer is YES! I will make it available on audio…eventually. I’m not sure of the cost yet. Since my book is 430 pages it might be cost prohibitive for a while due to the hourly rate for voice talent. The “VOICE” is extremely important. When I listen to audio books I prefer a male voice with a British accent.Read more