Noah’s flood is referred to many times in the biblical text. That said, in almost every ancient culture worldwide there is a reference to a worldwide flood. It’s not only the epic of Gilgamesh. There is also overwhelming geological evidence.

The other profound thing is WHY did God send a devastating flood? The beginning of the “why” is stated in Genesis 6:1-4. And the punishment for what happened is referred to in Jude 1:6 and 2 Peter 2:4.… Read more

I’ve doubted God’s existence and came pretty close to not believing. At one point in life, I was agnostic and practically an atheist in action, having no fear or awe of God. Due to early profound spiritual experiences in my late teens and early twenties, I never became an atheist at heart. We all have our reasons. I won’t go into it, but I left mainstream Christianity in the early 90s – I believe it was a profound error that, at the time, seemed like Luther’s departure from Catholicism, the spiritual highway had been removed of toll booths, I thought.… Read more