I ask for tough questions on my Facebook. I said I would answer them by doing Facebook LIVE from my Author’s Page. The first question was:

“What is your take on so many old movies being remade? Is it because Hollywood can’t come up with anything new on their own?”

My YouTube answer is here:

Otherwise, keep reading.

I don’t mind remakes of old Si-Fi or Fantasy movies. Because back in the day their reach exceeded their grasp.… Read more

In Africa he is a strange site. Because of my beliefs, I feel the same among creative types.

Since the inception of my website, 2 and half years ago, I’ve kept something about me in the dark.

Alas, it caused writer’s block, preventing me from consistently creating content and clearing the production line. I’ve discussed with friends whether or not I should disclose my secret. Should I reveal the truth and risk rejection or remain stifled? To be or not to be, me.

Of course, I started this site to promote the Creed of Kings Saga, Blood & Soul, and future writings or creative endeavors.… Read more

A few writers are gifted like Stephen King. They seem to have the instincts from the get-go, like a person born gifted with seemingly embedded musical talent. So when gifted people like that say there are no rules to story telling, it seems valid to them and the folks seeking wisdom on how to be as good as King go looking for inspiration rather than perspiration. When King sits down and just writes, it’s not, of course, me just sitting down to write.… Read more

Blood & Soul – Will it be on audio? A couple of people have asked about this. The short answer is YES! I will make it available on audio…eventually. I’m not sure of the cost yet. Since my book is 430 pages it might be cost prohibitive for a while due to the hourly rate for voice talent. The “VOICE” is extremely important. When I listen to audio books I prefer a male voice with a British accent.Read more

I’m publishing Blood & Soul in July through Amazon on Kindle and CreateSpace. After 90 days it will be published on all other popular e-readers such as NOOK and on iBooks. There’s a significant amount of work going on behind the scenes in preparation. Friday I received the finalBloodandSoulalonesplatter edits from my editor. 98.5% is done. There are two minor story lines that need to be wrapped up. Those additions will be checked by my editor.Read more

So you’re clicking through the books on Amazon or reading the back of a book in a bookstore and you read this story description:

A powerful spell banished demons to the Underworld ages ago. Now they gather seething beneath an ancient portal. It’s foretold the king of the Midvast will be sacrificed and Quuma’s demonic horde will erupt from the portal, their shades becoming flesh, unrestrained to quench their lust for killing. The reek of ruin will cover the lands as it did in the ages before the spell.… Read more

I’m happily forging ahead on Blood & Soul. When I began revising this document it was 611 pages. It’s now 756. It’s not getting longer.bloodandsouledit3-2-14 Let me explain. In several locations I told the story in a non-linear fashion. I thought it was clever, my editor thought is was confusing – ha ha. I cut and pasted those scenes back into a linear sequence and “rewired” them into place. When you are in the “tracking changes” mode of MS Word it does not literally remove a cut section, it strikes through a section.Read more

What do you think? As Blood & Soul creeps every closer to being unleashed on the public, I’ve begun to outline the next book in the saga – the working title is “Out of Oblivion” – and yes! it is epic and awesome or I would not be writing it.

During a meeting with my good friend Dale Young, he suggested I write a short story or a novella from the same world but outside the series of books I have planned.… Read more