Two Months Ahead of (NEW) Schedule – The Muse is Back!
I thought I would miss Facebook. Not only did I deactivate Facebook, I canceled all notifications from my expansive social network. It’s been wonderful. I was a social network addict. I encourage everyone to take, at least, a break from it.
Even though I’ve not totally capitalized on the freedom it’s made a huge difference in my ability to focus on the main task at hand and all other tasks of life. It’s such a relief not hearing constant “dings” on my computer and phone.
As a result, I’ve finished what’s called a “beat sheet” two months ahead of what I had figured. I’ve hardly opened up my laptop, though. I wrote, in pencil, an entirely new outline/beat sheet of Out of Oblivion in a notebook as I studied and reviewed books that guided me through the creation process of Blood & Soul. I’ve got Out of Oblivion in a neat little nutshell of about 23 notebook pages. Pages full of plot twists and thought bombs.
A few more tweaks and weeks and it will be color by numbers basically. The rails are laid down and the story feels like a train with explosive cargo. The guidelines are set. I’m revving up the engine getting ready to burn up the quarter mile. My creativity unleashed to its maximum level (at this point in my writing career). Once I know the lay of the land (the outline/beat sheet) I can ramp up the intensity – pedal to the medal. I need a grid, like the game of football, I need boundaries, posts and goal lines. Inside those lines a lot of amazing stuff takes place, right?
Also, I’ve been head-banging over the ending of Out of Oblivion. I’m relieved as I am happy to say I’ve finally developed an acceptable ending. It’s not thoroughly crafted yet but the blueprint is there and it is a solid foundation for greatness. It has a “Hail Mary” feel to it and it will only get better as I flesh it out. Finally!
I’m getting excited about the potential of this book now. When I started writing Oblivion I thought I’d keep it shorter than Blood. That became my goal. I tried to be a bit of a pantser because I thought a shorter book would take less planning. WRONG!
A quote attributed to John Locke says, “I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.”
Though the length of a novel may be shorter than the previous does not mean it takes less dedication. I thought a shorter novel would be easier and more conducive to the demands of a full-time job.
But being that I’m a perfectionist when it comes to story craft (although my first plot point in Blood & Soul comes in a tad late at 27% in when technically it should be at 20% to 25%) I won’t accept less-than, especially because, even though being in Amazon’s top 100 for 5 and a half months, I’m basically an unknown novelist. I can’t afford to compromise, say like Stephen King. He can turn in a stinker and smell a million copies sold.
A couple of little things. I feel like I need to release a Kindle single – short story. I have like three. Also, I have another idea for a contemporary thriller. Think Mitch Rapp meets the X-Files. Oh! The time!
Anyway, the muse is back. She could use less mascara and stop chain smoking Marlboro Reds. I don’t “get” the Goth outfit and singed wings but she’s here. I need to get her a ball cap and a pair of blue jeans. That’s my kinda girl.
Can’t wait!!!